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IDH 3034/3035

The course Myth and Ritual in Film integrates theoretical discussions of myth and ritual, as interrelated cultural dimensions of religion, with analyses of the relatively contemporary medium of film.  


The course allowed me to explore film as more than entertainment. I learned about many theorists such as Joseph Campbell who have influenced the world of cinema. I learned to analyze themes, symbols, and plots of amazing films. I grew to appreciate film as a timeless art form.


IDH 3035

The course The New China: Trade, Power, and Culture covers China’s ancient history, culture, geography, traditions, major cuisines, arts to its modern science and technology advances, economy, Belt and Road Initiative, education, and global leadership. 


This course was essentially a virtual study abroad experience. I learned about China's rich history which extends to its traditions, cuisine, and festivals. China has undoubtedly become a powerful force in recent years so it was interesting to delve into its education system and future plans. During the COVID-19 pandemic, this course let me travel and immerse myself in  novel territory. 







An example of Chinese art is calligraphy. It is a form of writing with a wide variety of styles. It usually requires a brush, paper, ink, and ink stone which are collectively known as the "Four Treasures of the Scholar's studio."



A quote from the beginning of the video caught my attention: "I have no desire for wealth or noble rank. My only love is for those letters from the brushes of the men of antiquity." Calligraphy is simply beautiful. It has the power to emit years of history, emotion, and awareness in brush strokes. It is highly representative of a rich Chinese culture which values simplicity. Calligraphy is usually written in black ink, with red seals. These two colors showcase the traditional aspects of China. The energy and rhythm seen through the calligraphy highlight the resilience, strength, and power of such a large, influential country. Calligraphy takes years to master! This life-long affair indicates Chinese passion and respect for their ancestry and history. I love writing on paper and I would love to learn calligraphy one day. 



I absolutely love art in all of its forms. Music is my favorite; I am always singing around the house. I memorize lyrics very quickly and play a bit of keyboard. I constantly listen to various genres and analyze meanings of songs in both Spanish and English. I truly believe music is a universal language and has the ability to transcend any types of barriers. In addition, I really enjoy artwork because one could truly see the talent and passion of an artist through color and precision. Natural landscapes and portraits are usually so amazing to look at. Moreover, I absolutely love writing forms such as poetry and prose. Words hold so much meaning. When writers are able to craft their emotions, the results are phenomenal. Art impacts my life everyday, providing me with tranquility and happiness as I carry out my responsibilities. Listening to a song I love allows me to destress from an arduous assignment, for example.

This was one of my favorite modules! I also really enjoyed the Kung Fu video because some of my favorite movies feature this fighting style. We are forever indebted to Chinese art and culture for movies like Kill Bill.

SYG 2000

The course Introduction to Sociology explores sociology as a way of understanding complex social, political, and economic phenomena in the world. 


This course exposed me to social realities as a college freshman, beginning my university career. I learned about taboos, cults, and social groups, among other things. Class discussions were stimulating as they dealt with current events dealing with immigration and racial prejudice. This class allowed me to become a socially-aware adult, ready to create change.


Coursework was mostly in the form of in-class discussions which involved commentary on experiments like this one.

REL 2011

The course Introduction to Religion allows students to comprehend the nature and variety of religious phenomena, belief, and practice.


This course was stimulating as I learned about distinct belief systems while also participating in discussions. I was able to analyze similarities and differences between religions which is key in creating a more unified world. In addition, I was able to learn about the development and history of many religions which continue to influence society. Finally, I came to the conclusion that religion is part of what makes us human.


Global Learning Courses

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